Data Backup Services
At CSP Networks, we are always talking about backup! It’s your last stand! If you don’t have it, you know its game over for you. If you do, you still have a chance. CSP Backup gives you that chance.
CSP Backup Essentials
Direct to cloud backup, designed for cost effectiveness and having the most basic backup in-place, file and folders, with a 180 retention time.
CSP Backup Secure
Direct to cloud backup with the ability to adjust retention time options from 28-365 days with optional disaster recovery virtualization capabilities utilizing Microsoft Azure
CSP Backup Premier
On-premise with cloud backup, designed for business continuity and to meet regulatory compliance, on-premise combined with cloud backup with a choice of 1 year, 7 year or infinite retention time
CSP Backup M365/GWS
Designed to protect all your Microsoft 365 or Google WorkSpace data with 1 year or infinite retention time
CSP Backup Endpoint
Direct to cloud backup solution for workstations and servers with 1 year of retention time.
CSP Backup Endpoint+
CSP Backup Endpoint with disaster recovery delivered from the cloud.